I was watching Mtv's True Life: I Live Another Life on the Web, and I found it very interesting. It was about 3 women who go online to these virtual communities because of some type of insecurity in the world to be themselves. Who they are in the real world is the deception, but who they are in their virtual communities are the true them, instead of vise versa. One woman has a social anxiety disorder, so she can't go out to be herself without have a panic attack. Another woman is a musician who wants to expand her career, but has stage fright. The other woman doesn't like the idea of being rejected and judged in person. All of these women go online because it's the only way they can seem to be themselves. I think this would be great research because not only does it deal with technologies in communication, but also health communication and how they tie in together. Here is a little article I found that talks about virtual communities and the risk behind them.
(Picture from www.newciv.org)
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